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Group Membership - restriction and approval


What is the best way to restrict user objects from being add to groups in a MU.

A group can contain other groups but user objects should be prevented.

I also have a requirement in a separate MU to allow additional membership for user objects with approval

So, two parts really

- group membership restriction for user objects

- approval of user membership

I have been experimenting with restriction policy add-on and approval workflows with little success!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated


  • Hi there ... thanks for the examples.

    I have tried the above and can get the restriction to work perfect.

    I can't, however, get the approvals to work. The user just gets added to the group and no approval is triggered

    I am using ARS 6.7 - should this make a difference?

    Thanks again.


  • Hi there ... thanks for the examples.

    I have tried the above and can get the restriction to work perfect.

    I can't, however, get the approvals to work. The user just gets added to the group and no approval is triggered

    I am using ARS 6.7 - should this make a difference?

    Thanks again.


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