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Launch Powershell script from ARS Web Interface

Sorry if I'm missing something obvious (we've just recently deployed ActiveRoles Server), but I cant seem to find an easy way to launch a standalone powershell script from within the ActiveRoles server Web Interface.

I have a simple script which exports a list of user objects from our Deprovisioned Users OU to a CSV file, and I'd like our Help Desk staff to be able to launch this script from the WEB UI by clicking a custom menu item like "Generate Deprovisioned Users Report"

Can anyone point me in the direction of any existing documents that show me how to do this?

  • Who is going to be initiating this process? Is it the end-user themselves or another person, say help desk staff? If it is help desk for example, would this process then search for all users that are "marked" (using a virtual attribute perhaps) to send this welcome email to?
  • Who is going to be initiating this process? Is it the end-user themselves or another person, say help desk staff? If it is help desk for example, would this process then search for all users that are "marked" (using a virtual attribute perhaps) to send this welcome email to?
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