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Launch Powershell script from ARS Web Interface

Sorry if I'm missing something obvious (we've just recently deployed ActiveRoles Server), but I cant seem to find an easy way to launch a standalone powershell script from within the ActiveRoles server Web Interface.

I have a simple script which exports a list of user objects from our Deprovisioned Users OU to a CSV file, and I'd like our Help Desk staff to be able to launch this script from the WEB UI by clicking a custom menu item like "Generate Deprovisioned Users Report"

Can anyone point me in the direction of any existing documents that show me how to do this?

  • Apologies for late reply guys and not being specific enough, I'll try to do that now.
    JohnnyQuest was guessing quite good already.

    I managed to suit my needs now, even if I had to "sell" another extension attribute for this but it's working fine.

    I created a menu entry which updates the extension attribute which I "monitor" by way of the workflow which then executes the script, reading neccessary user information, generating the PIN and sending the welcome message.
    Everything's working fine as expected.
    Link is only been displayed if the user is EnterpriseVoice enabled on SkypeForBusiness
    (msRTCSIP-OptionFlags being 385).

    For the records, the script:

    function LyncSendWelcomeMail ($Request)

    # check if object is a user
    if ($Request.Class -ne "user") {

    # check if user is lync-enabled
    $usertosend=(Get-QADUser $Request.DN -IncludedProperties msRTCSIP-UserEnabled -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties)."msRTCSIP-UserEnabled"

    if ($usertosend -ne $true) {

    # open remote PowerShell session to SfB Server
    $username = <username>
    $pwdTxt = <not needed to mention>
    $securePwd = $pwdTxt | ConvertTo-SecureString
    $credobject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $securePwd
    $lync_session = New-PSSession -ConnectionUri "https://<servername>/OcsPowershell" -Credential $credobject
    Import-PSSession $lync_session

    # get user mail address
    $usermail = (Get-QADUser $Request.GUID -IncludedProperties PrimarySMTPAddress -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties).PrimarySMTPAddress

    # get user URI
    $UserURI = (Get-QADUser $Request.GUID -IncludedProperties "msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress" -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties)."msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress"

    #define E-Mail from
    $from = "<from_address>"

    #define relay server

    # load function to send WelcomeMail
    . C:\scripts\ps\SfB_WelcomeMail\sfb_welcome_mail.ps1

    #send Welcome-Email
    Set-CsPinSendCAWelcomeMail -UserEmailAddress $usermail -UserURI $UserURI -From $from -smtpserver $smtpserver -force

    #close remote PowerShell Session
    Remove-PSSession $lync_session

  • Apologies for late reply guys and not being specific enough, I'll try to do that now.
    JohnnyQuest was guessing quite good already.

    I managed to suit my needs now, even if I had to "sell" another extension attribute for this but it's working fine.

    I created a menu entry which updates the extension attribute which I "monitor" by way of the workflow which then executes the script, reading neccessary user information, generating the PIN and sending the welcome message.
    Everything's working fine as expected.
    Link is only been displayed if the user is EnterpriseVoice enabled on SkypeForBusiness
    (msRTCSIP-OptionFlags being 385).

    For the records, the script:

    function LyncSendWelcomeMail ($Request)

    # check if object is a user
    if ($Request.Class -ne "user") {

    # check if user is lync-enabled
    $usertosend=(Get-QADUser $Request.DN -IncludedProperties msRTCSIP-UserEnabled -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties)."msRTCSIP-UserEnabled"

    if ($usertosend -ne $true) {

    # open remote PowerShell session to SfB Server
    $username = <username>
    $pwdTxt = <not needed to mention>
    $securePwd = $pwdTxt | ConvertTo-SecureString
    $credobject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $securePwd
    $lync_session = New-PSSession -ConnectionUri "https://<servername>/OcsPowershell" -Credential $credobject
    Import-PSSession $lync_session

    # get user mail address
    $usermail = (Get-QADUser $Request.GUID -IncludedProperties PrimarySMTPAddress -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties).PrimarySMTPAddress

    # get user URI
    $UserURI = (Get-QADUser $Request.GUID -IncludedProperties "msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress" -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties)."msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress"

    #define E-Mail from
    $from = "<from_address>"

    #define relay server

    # load function to send WelcomeMail
    . C:\scripts\ps\SfB_WelcomeMail\sfb_welcome_mail.ps1

    #send Welcome-Email
    Set-CsPinSendCAWelcomeMail -UserEmailAddress $usermail -UserURI $UserURI -From $from -smtpserver $smtpserver -force

    #close remote PowerShell Session
    Remove-PSSession $lync_session

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