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Configuring optional uniqueness counter for (cn)

Greetings all,

Can anyone provide a suggestion or method for generating the (cn) with optional uniqueness counter like the logon name offers in the image below?  The rules for generation and validation don't seem to offer that entry property.  If using onPreCreate is necessary I can try that too.

Thanks in advance.


Edit Entry.jpg

  • Steve,

    Please see my blog for a sample script of using onCheckPropertyValues handler with Quest cmdlets to ensure a unique value for a property. Your script would then contain logic to create the unique value, with additional AD lookups likely required in certain instances.

    One thought to your scenario - since cn values are only required to be unique per each parent container, make sure it is worth the overhead of a script policy to capture these exceptions. For some environments where the odds of this occuring are very-low-to-low, it's a logical choice for overall server performance (and low mngmnt overhead) to have the console return the error to your admins. Again, just a thought

    If you own QuickConnect, the provisioning rules within the application workflows handle this need for you. Together with ARS, QuickConnect creates the ultimate solution for your IDM challenges!

  • Steve,

    Please see my blog for a sample script of using onCheckPropertyValues handler with Quest cmdlets to ensure a unique value for a property. Your script would then contain logic to create the unique value, with additional AD lookups likely required in certain instances.

    One thought to your scenario - since cn values are only required to be unique per each parent container, make sure it is worth the overhead of a script policy to capture these exceptions. For some environments where the odds of this occuring are very-low-to-low, it's a logical choice for overall server performance (and low mngmnt overhead) to have the console return the error to your admins. Again, just a thought

    If you own QuickConnect, the provisioning rules within the application workflows handle this need for you. Together with ARS, QuickConnect creates the ultimate solution for your IDM challenges!

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