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Configuring optional uniqueness counter for (cn)

Greetings all,

Can anyone provide a suggestion or method for generating the (cn) with optional uniqueness counter like the logon name offers in the image below?  The rules for generation and validation don't seem to offer that entry property.  If using onPreCreate is necessary I can try that too.

Thanks in advance.


Edit Entry.jpg

  • Greg,

    Much appreciated and I'm learning much from your blog and advice.  With respect to your comment on owning QC and the provisioning rules within workflows handling this, what exactly are you referring to?  Under the Initial Attribute Population Rules, I run into the same thing as with the ARS generate and validate rule; no built-in option to increment counter to the attribute value when not unique is encountered.  Are you suggesting tweaking the onCheckPropertyValues sample script for my needs and plugging that into the Script option of the Initial Attribute Populations Rules for (cn) ?  If so, I would want to add a counter to the value.  ie: cn = jsmith, cn = jsmith1

    Just trying to understand if I'm missing something on using the QC workflow effectively for this.  I've attached screenshot of my understanding of using QC to accomplish.

    Thanks again!


  • Greg,

    Much appreciated and I'm learning much from your blog and advice.  With respect to your comment on owning QC and the provisioning rules within workflows handling this, what exactly are you referring to?  Under the Initial Attribute Population Rules, I run into the same thing as with the ARS generate and validate rule; no built-in option to increment counter to the attribute value when not unique is encountered.  Are you suggesting tweaking the onCheckPropertyValues sample script for my needs and plugging that into the Script option of the Initial Attribute Populations Rules for (cn) ?  If so, I would want to add a counter to the value.  ie: cn = jsmith, cn = jsmith1

    Just trying to understand if I'm missing something on using the QC workflow effectively for this.  I've attached screenshot of my understanding of using QC to accomplish.

    Thanks again!


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