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Provision User - Notification Email


I am provisioning my users and once the user is created i have a workflow that then sends out a notification message.

Within the notification message i would like to include the users email address. I have used the following token in the message but when the user is created and the email message go out the email address is not present.

<% =Operation.Target["mail"] %>

Now i think that when the notification message is sent out the Exchange RUS has not applied the email address to the account. So i then thought i would schedule the email notification to be sent 10 minutes after the account was created but again it did not include the email address.

Any ideas as to what i could do here?

  • "How are you getting the items to show up such as manager, phone number, etc"

    I'm not doing anything special for that to work other than creating the account using the -proxy switch on the command line that creates the user.  The only attribute I had coming up blank was the email address hence the convoluted use of the virtual attribute to get this info but only on the first modification - using the trigger create user did not capture this but all of the rest of the attributes sent in the email to the service desk have always worked for me.


  • "How are you getting the items to show up such as manager, phone number, etc"

    I'm not doing anything special for that to work other than creating the account using the -proxy switch on the command line that creates the user.  The only attribute I had coming up blank was the email address hence the convoluted use of the virtual attribute to get this info but only on the first modification - using the trigger create user did not capture this but all of the rest of the attributes sent in the email to the service desk have always worked for me.


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