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ARS Support BitLocker PW Recovery Tab?

Getting ready to implement Bitlocker with AD key recovery/TPM backup to AD via GPO.  I know with Win7 RSAT or properly-patched 2003 ADUC a 'bitlocker' tab appears in ADUC after a DLL is registered.    Is there a minimum version required for this?  I know Domain Admin perms (or equivalent delegated) are required to even see this in ADUC.  any info is appreciated.
  • Hi,

    did you read the ARS SDK?

    There is described, how you can extend the Propertypages....

  • Hi John

    Have you found a way of implementig this using the ARS SDK? If so, could you share your findings?


  • Don't think you need to adjust the Property page as there is already a native tab on the AR Properties of Computer objects. As soon as you start storing the bitlocker keys in AD, they will pop up in AR as well (assuming you have the correct permissions and the right AR version). There might be an AD schema extension required for your to start using BitLocker, but that doesn't have anything to do with the AR setup.