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Dynamic groups and powershell

is there any way to create and configure dynamic groups via powershell script? I don't see any cmdlets in the management shell that address dynamic groups.
  • This is a one off task and if they can tell which groups were created using a script and which were done manually then clearly I've not done it correctly. I'm having more trouble getting ARS to configure the mail addresses than getting the dynamic rules done. I thought new-qadgroup with the -mail switch would create a mail enabled group but it looks like it doesn't so I'm going to be loading the exchange commandlets to mail enable the groups. Just need the messaging team to give me the rights to do it now I can't use the -proxy switch. Add-QADProxyAddresses adds addresses even though the group is not mail enabled which is weird and there is no -proxy switch on that command which is stranger although perhaps I only need rights to the user object.
  • This is a one off task and if they can tell which groups were created using a script and which were done manually then clearly I've not done it correctly. I'm having more trouble getting ARS to configure the mail addresses than getting the dynamic rules done. I thought new-qadgroup with the -mail switch would create a mail enabled group but it looks like it doesn't so I'm going to be loading the exchange commandlets to mail enable the groups. Just need the messaging team to give me the rights to do it now I can't use the -proxy switch. Add-QADProxyAddresses adds addresses even though the group is not mail enabled which is weird and there is no -proxy switch on that command which is stranger although perhaps I only need rights to the user object.
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