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Dynamic groups and powershell

is there any way to create and configure dynamic groups via powershell script? I don't see any cmdlets in the management shell that address dynamic groups.
  • (concern) I strongly recommend to follow MSFT and do all Exchange management through Exchange door by calling Exchange ps1 cmdlets: this way you enforce Exchange-side policies.
    Contrary, by calling LDA/ADSI to manage Exchange attributes you may hit violation of Exchange-side policies.

    Note, by setting Exchange related VA attribute via "QAD-xxx" cmdlet, AR might trigger Exchange cmdlets on back-end anyway (remote for EX2010 SP? and later).

  • (concern) I strongly recommend to follow MSFT and do all Exchange management through Exchange door by calling Exchange ps1 cmdlets: this way you enforce Exchange-side policies.
    Contrary, by calling LDA/ADSI to manage Exchange attributes you may hit violation of Exchange-side policies.

    Note, by setting Exchange related VA attribute via "QAD-xxx" cmdlet, AR might trigger Exchange cmdlets on back-end anyway (remote for EX2010 SP? and later).

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