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Dynamic groups and powershell

is there any way to create and configure dynamic groups via powershell script? I don't see any cmdlets in the management shell that address dynamic groups.
  • (concern) doing via Exchange cmdlet door enforces email, proxyAddresses uniqueness in Exchange Org(might include separate domains and forests).
    Doing ADSI/LDAP: ARS will need to check uniqueness of added email, proxyAddress in all Exchange Org (all domains and forests registered and *not* in ARS - which might easy fall out of deployed ARS scope (will need to write your own script policy and enumerate list of All Domains in the Exchange Org)
  • (concern) doing via Exchange cmdlet door enforces email, proxyAddresses uniqueness in Exchange Org(might include separate domains and forests).
    Doing ADSI/LDAP: ARS will need to check uniqueness of added email, proxyAddress in all Exchange Org (all domains and forests registered and *not* in ARS - which might easy fall out of deployed ARS scope (will need to write your own script policy and enumerate list of All Domains in the Exchange Org)
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