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Dynamic groups and powershell

is there any way to create and configure dynamic groups via powershell script? I don't see any cmdlets in the management shell that address dynamic groups.
  • ARS uses PowerShell remoting to update exchange attributes so I use this functionality where I can.

    Loading the Exchange Commandlets is time consuming and whilst is fine for a scheduled task it's impractical to do it in an ARS policy.

    It does not sound like you are confident that the underlying ARS code that calls the exchange commandlets works as expected.

    If the recommendation is to always load the exchange commandlets then it would be nice if Quest gave us a way of doing this once and leaving them in memory for all scripts to use. We could then leverage the faster MS AD commandlets.

    I had resigned myself to loading the exchange commandlets and requesting additional rights were added to my admin account but what JQ suggested was a way of triggering ARS to add email to the group which is what I needed and was a brilliant lateral thinking suggestion!
  • ARS uses PowerShell remoting to update exchange attributes so I use this functionality where I can.

    Loading the Exchange Commandlets is time consuming and whilst is fine for a scheduled task it's impractical to do it in an ARS policy.

    It does not sound like you are confident that the underlying ARS code that calls the exchange commandlets works as expected.

    If the recommendation is to always load the exchange commandlets then it would be nice if Quest gave us a way of doing this once and leaving them in memory for all scripts to use. We could then leverage the faster MS AD commandlets.

    I had resigned myself to loading the exchange commandlets and requesting additional rights were added to my admin account but what JQ suggested was a way of triggering ARS to add email to the group which is what I needed and was a brilliant lateral thinking suggestion!
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