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Dynamic groups and powershell

is there any way to create and configure dynamic groups via powershell script? I don't see any cmdlets in the management shell that address dynamic groups.
  • You may be reading more into Aidar's comments than there is.

    I think it really depends on what you need to do. If your requirement falls into the regular Exchange management tasks that AR supports through the GUI (e.g. mail enabling, mailbox enabling etc.) then the embedded code in the AR service (along with the VAs that trigger it) should do the job just fine.

    I completely agree with you that establishing remote PoSh sessions for Exchange operations is tedious but I guess sometimes it's a necessary evil.

    What I have found equally troublesome when writing scripts is the timing issues you can run into it where your script "gets ahead" of AD and Exchange and an object isn't fully baked yet when your script goes to perform its next operation. This is where relying on the internal Exchange functionality of the AR service comes in handy because I believe it's built to account for/compensate for that.
  • You may be reading more into Aidar's comments than there is.

    I think it really depends on what you need to do. If your requirement falls into the regular Exchange management tasks that AR supports through the GUI (e.g. mail enabling, mailbox enabling etc.) then the embedded code in the AR service (along with the VAs that trigger it) should do the job just fine.

    I completely agree with you that establishing remote PoSh sessions for Exchange operations is tedious but I guess sometimes it's a necessary evil.

    What I have found equally troublesome when writing scripts is the timing issues you can run into it where your script "gets ahead" of AD and Exchange and an object isn't fully baked yet when your script goes to perform its next operation. This is where relying on the internal Exchange functionality of the AR service comes in handy because I believe it's built to account for/compensate for that.
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