• Dynamic Group - Recursive membership based on nested manager chain...

    Imagine a single manage is over 12 managers who in-turn all have 12 subordinate managers who all have teams of 10+ people - is there an easy native way to create a dynamic group membership query that encompasses ALL those people?

    Head-Manager Jill <- Sub…

  • Set Active Roles (ARS) Scheduled (PowerShell) Script Modules to Execute in PWSH.exe (v6+) vs POWERSHELL.exe

    How can I explicitly instruct ARS to execute scripts in PowerShell v7

  • Detect changes that occur in Active Directory (not AR) and trigger an action?


    Is it at all possible for Active Roles to trigger off of a change made in the underlying Active Directory as opposed to within Active Roles itself?


    • A computer has BitLocker enabled and the keys are transferred to associated Active Directory…
  • Get Current Domain Controller in ARS script


    I need to write a script which provisions a new user account in another application as part of provisioning a new user in ARS.  The application has PowerShell CMDLETS for doing this.  The application is located in another AD site and frequently the…

  • How do I set a boolean virtual attribute from set-qaduser


    I've created a custom virtual attribute of type boolean in ARS that I would like to set using the set-qaduser commandlet.  It doesn't seem to work though

    If I use the following command.

    Set-QADUser -Proxy -Identity 'bob.dobbsn@example.com…

  • Auto Generate a password in a script


    I need to generate a password for a user in a policy script.  I'd like the password to be compliant with the password policy I've already setup in ARS, and which is generated if I use the New User wizard from the ARS MMC console.  I don't…

  • New-QADUser cmdlet Issue when logging the account creation event

    So when using the new-qaduser cmdlet, see below, The Event Log for event 4720 on the DC its connecting to to create the user account shows:

    Security ID: Domain\testing3
    Account Name: $2RG100-UU7PKQ1Q51GA
    Account Domain: Domain

    SAM Account…

  • need help to list users with second owner in a csv file


    My Problem is, i have to list all Users in a specified OU, with entries in the Second Owner field.

    How i can do this and export in a CSV File?

    Would be great if someone could help.

    Thanks and best regard


  • Help exporting list of OS versions for multiple machines using Active Roles Management Shell

    Hi all,

    Apologies if this is in the wrong place,

    I'm very new to Active Roles and have been tasked with obtaining the OS of multiple machines throughout the business.I have the list in a .CSV format and I would like to run a script that will ask Active…

  • Setting Virtual Attribute on the fly when user Properties are opened

    Hey Everyone,

    First post and still quite a newb with Active Roles so don't mind the brief ignorance you may see :)

    Basically my end goal is to make a Tab in the web interface User Object properties window only visible when a virtual attribute is…

  • Using a custom password generation script


    I would like to use a custom password generation script written using powershell.

    The custom script is essential just a copy of the default, but I swapped the "New-Password" function with my own and then deleted some of the other checks the default…

  • ARS Scripts to PowerShell


    I am for some reason uninstalling ARS. But keeping the ARS scripts as they are still in work. So how do I convert ARS scripts in to PowerShell Scripts? Or is there any way to run the ARS Scripts Without ARS?



  • ARS PowerShell script to "Move" users from one group to another.

    I have a .csv with 2 columns. Column 1 is called SourceGroup with a list of groups, and the other is DestinationGroup with a different list. I have a script I am trying to use that will Add the users from SourceGroup to the DestinationGroup, after the…

  • Create Managed Units and link Access Templates to Managed Unit by script or PowerShell


    I have a very large client with a very flat AD structure, would it be possible to script the creation of Managed Units and link Access templates to the Managed Units?

    Also is there any recommendations about the number of managed units to have…

  • Create multi-functional button within ARS Web



    I am trying to create a new button within ARS web. 

    This button would need to , Expire the user account. Disable the account, Change the password and also write a description, 

    Is there anyway to do this or would we need to create a new script for…

  • Change/replace SIP address from the edsvaOffice365-UserID field

    Ill start off by saying I am a complete novice

    I would like to change user SIP address with the field edsvaOffice365-UserID

    Id also like to be able to update this by OU if possible

    I am using Quest Commandlet to pull this information. Get-QADUser -SearchRoot…

  • Fine Grained Password Policies

    I'm disappointed to see that in ARS 7.2, still, the Generate Password function does not take into account Fine Grained Password Policies.

    Has anyone else found a way to get around this? I have different departments that need to have different length…

  • IsCommandAvailable.vbs function - GetEx method stopped working in 7.2

    We are upgrading from 6.9 to 7.2. It seems that our functions in IsCommandAvailable.vbs  is erroring out at 'allowedAttributesEffective = objCommandContext.DirectoryObject.GetEx("allowedAttributesEffective")' command  with error 'Class…

  • Error in workflow - need help works in powershell

    I can run this in Powershell no issues, would appropriate any help.  I am writing how many days left until an account expires to a VA.

    = (([datetime]::FromFileTime((Get-ADUser Identity $user -Properties "msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed…
  • Script for Quest Powershell in order to pull data from AD

    Hi All, im new to powershell and need to extract out some data.

    I would like to extract below attributes from AD for a User. Could you please help me in fixing the script.

    Get-QADUser t70869 | select -ObjectAttributes samAccountName, givenName, sn, displayName…

  • Use workflow script to modify attribute of removed member

    I have a need to modify an attribute whenever a user is removed from a group. Stored in every users extensionattribute5 are values like this   1024adm;1025adm;1969adm;1429adm;


    We have matching groups for each of those values.   What I would like is that…

  • Use ARS and/or powershell to create groups - nested & add members automatically?

    We use the lousy nested structure for shared folder ntfs permissions where a domain local group contains a universal which contains a global and the global has the users.  I want to find a way to create the 3 groups required when a new folder is setup…

  • Active Roles Server Auto Deprovission

    Hello all,

    With the help of members I have created a managed unit which houses users who have not logged on for over 90 days.

    and alos recieved help with script/ task to auto deprovision.

    However, I have come across below situation.

    User's are de-provisioned…

  • Searching and exporting account information from Active Directory

    I would like to do the following with AD accounts:

    Export the following fields from Active Directory to an Excel sheet with the appropriate headers:

    Under AD Account's General Tab: First Name, Last name, Display Name, Description, Office, Telephone Number…