• Working with group changes using Powershell


    Are there any example scripts floating around that show how to interact with changes made to groups using the script modules?

    I am fairly familiar with working with User objects and "onPreCreate", "OnPostCreate" etc, but I don't have any examples…

  • Using SET-QADUser to change CN attribute


    I need to update a bunch of users names to title case (John Smith). Currently everything is upper case.

    Set-QADUser -Identity "john.smith" -DisplayName "John Smith" -ObjectAttributes @{cn="John Smith"}

    Using the command…

  • UnDeprovision In ActiveRoles Sync Engine


    So I can see in the Sync Engine workflows (Old QC)  we have the ability to deprovision a user. we can deprovision if the user doesn't exist in the CSV file.. or trigger a Deprovision based on Field if we are pulling from SQL.

    However, I don…

  • ARS Scripts to PowerShell


    I am for some reason uninstalling ARS. But keeping the ARS scripts as they are still in work. So how do I convert ARS scripts in to PowerShell Scripts? Or is there any way to run the ARS Scripts Without ARS?



  • Workflow: Adding a user to a specific group and execute a script


    I want to create a workflow when a user is added to a specific security group (groupname "TestGroup") and than execute an action. What I already have is:

    1. Create the new Change Workflow (Done)
    2. Configure the Workflow Options and Start…

  • ARS Quesry Based Distribution Group

    Is it possible to create a query based distribution group where the LDAP query compares two attributes and adds a user to the group if they are not the same?

    The two attributes that I want to compare are 'mail' and a virtual attribute 'edsvaFirstEmailAddress…

  • Meeting Room objects are timing out

    Hi Experts,

    We have an issue to view any meeting room objects from ARS console or Web interface, either it takes too much time to load or it timeout.

    We have a hybrid Exchange environment 2010/2013, and Active Roles 6.9

    Does anyone have any ideas ? 

  • Inactive Users Deprovisioning - Filter not working


    I have a workflow that finds inactive user accounts, this has two filters to exclude accounts that have "NODEL" in the comment filed, OR the account password is set to never expire, but the password expiration filter does not seem to be…

  • Workflow - How to set an attribute to the secondary owner's e-mail address of workflow target?

    Hi everyone,

    Does anyone know how I can set an attribute of my choice, to the e-mail address of the secondary owner of the workflow target? 

    So far, I have the following: 

    >>Operation execution: Create User; where secondary owner of workflow target is not…

  • whenever a new user is being created and added to a particular AD group it should auto send mail

    whenever a new user is being created and added to a particular AD group it should auto send mail...

    ARS v7.2.0 

    AD is 2008 R2

    Exchange 2007

  • Add script to specific user attribute


    I'm trying to add a script to users attributes that will generate a 8 digit pin every 24 hours.

    We  have the script ready to go and will set it up in a scheduled task however,  I am having trouble linking the script to the specific attribute…

  • QARS Workflow/Policy Script to capture onPostModify of the mail attribute for a user and then write user's employeeID and mail attribute to a CSV file for export to our Workday HR system

    I need to implement a workflow/policy script that triggers onPostModify of the mail attribute, both for new users and changes to the mail attribute of existing users, and writes the user's employeeID and mail attribute to a CSV file and uploads it to…

  • Add-qadpermission -extendedrights

     Good morning,

    So I have a bit of an issue, I'm currently trying to script the entire lock down of AD

    Access Applies to Permission
    Allow  This object and all child objects Create user
    Allow  user Write userAccountControl
    Allow  user ExtendedRight…
  • Active Roles 7.2.1 and Collector public hotfix (KB 250838)

    Active Roles 7.2.1 public hotfix is now available on the Support portal (KB 250838).


    This hotfix package addresses several issues with Active Roles 7.2.1 and the Collector and Report pack.

  • How can I stop ARS from detecting my on-premise exchange environment? I do NOT want any mail options available at all.

    Currently using ARS 7.2.1 in a hybrid environment with on-premise Exchange and O365.  ARS is currently detecting the on-prem exchange environment and causing a few minor issues.  Is there a way to stop ARS from detecting the on-prem exchange environment…

  • Change/replace SIP address from the edsvaOffice365-UserID field

    Ill start off by saying I am a complete novice

    I would like to change user SIP address with the field edsvaOffice365-UserID

    Id also like to be able to update this by OU if possible

    I am using Quest Commandlet to pull this information. Get-QADUser -SearchRoot…

  • Active Roles 7.2 Language Pack is now available

    The Active Roles 7.2 Language Pack is now available for download here:


  • Home Folder provisioning

    Hi, I'm very new to Active Roles. Trying to figure out a way to provision Home Folder for users.

    We cannot put all our users in one share folder, we have over 40,000 home folders and can be a nightmare to manage. As of now, our provisioning team manually…

  • O365 Distribution Group Sync to ARS

    I have a bunch of O365 Distribution Groups that I used to bring down into ARS via the sync tool.  The issue is whenever I add someone to the group it doesn't update in O365.  When I add someone to the managed by field it doesn't update the owner field…

  • Import-module SQLPS - Script Modules


    I just upgraded to 7.2 and trying to run a powershell script module with SQL cmdlets.

    The cmdlets runs fine from ISE but I cannot get them to run from the script module.

    I even run Import-Module SQLPS in the script module. This was not an issue…

  • ARS 7.2 and Skype for Business

    I have upgraded to ARS 7.2 and applied the "Skype for Business - User Management" policy.  I have specified the Skype servers, and selected the appropriate OU for the Policy Object scope. There are no Skype commands showing on user accounts. 

  • Translating Objectsid to SID

    We have a postcreate script (powershell) that we run to set permissions for a users home directory. I am attempting to convert the script from using the users samaccountname to use the users sid. The problem is that from the $Request I am only able to…

  • ActiveRoles Managed DLs in O365

    Is there a way or ARS Powershell script to bulk change on-prem MS Exchange DLs to ActiveRole managed DLs in O365.
  • Is there a way to successfully update the MemberOf field using Synchronization Service?

    We would like to use Synch Service to update user's group membership from a SQL DB, instead of manually adding groups. We get the below message and found a KB article that says to create a virtual attribute for each group, but this workflow will apply…

  • ARS 7.2 and O365 account passwords

    When creating an account in ActiveRoles and then creating that same account in the tenant, where is the password stored?  Is it also stored in the tenant?  If it is, what process updates that password if the synchronization service is not setup to sync…