• Update AD users employeenumber based on csv file

    I am currently using a workflow to update from field EmployeeID to EmployeeNumber.  Basically I am adding a letter in front of the employeeID to create employeeNumber.

    Ex. employeeID "123456" become employeeNumber "A123456"

    it working…

  • Set the edsvaDeprovisionDeletionDate attribute value in powershell

    I've a requirement to set the edsvaDeprovisionDeletionDate attribute value with future datetime using powershell code and its GeneralizedTime datatype. So I'm unable to set the value to the attribute using powershell. Could anyone please help me to…

  • Passing Variables from Workflow into Powershell Script

    So we have a workflow that we set up to stop the helpdesk from adding users to a group who are members of another group.  The users cannot be in both groups at the same time, these are 365 licensing groups.

    What we are trying to accomplish is having a…

  • Get Current Domain Controller in ARS script


    I need to write a script which provisions a new user account in another application as part of provisioning a new user in ARS.  The application has PowerShell CMDLETS for doing this.  The application is located in another AD site and frequently the…

  • New-QADUser cmdlet Issue when logging the account creation event

    So when using the new-qaduser cmdlet, see below, The Event Log for event 4720 on the DC its connecting to to create the user account shows:

    Security ID: Domain\testing3
    Account Name: $2RG100-UU7PKQ1Q51GA
    Account Domain: Domain

    SAM Account…

  • Set visibility of an entry in a form through PowerShell script

    Hi everyone,

    We have built a custom form in which fields are populated through a PowerShell script, ARS runs this script as you are opening the form.
    It is used to provide a view of bought Office 365 licenses by each of our subsidiaries local IT teams…

  • -OR condition not working in IF statement

    The script only seems to be working if the first condition is met. It is not working if the User2 is met.  ($Session.Username -ne "user2") Is there some reason why the -OR isn't working in the IF statement. Any ideas?

    function onGetEffectivePolicy…

  • Export All Dynamic groups with its membership rules

    Hello Guys,

    I'm in need of a powershell script to get all dynamic groups in our environment with the membership rules. 

    I can get the list using the below script but the membership rules i get is the membership rules plus GUID & SID of the OU's with…

  • try catch not working

    I wrote a custom powershell script and have it run in a workflow.

    I'm having an issue with the try catch statement. If I remove try catch and just run the command inside the try method, the workflow executes fine. However, when a try catch is added,…

  • Add-PSSnapin : No snap-ins have been registered for Windows PowerShell version 5.


    I am trying to access Quest AD server via Powershell PSSession which is running in windows 7, powershell 5.1. But the Quest AD server running in Windows 12, Powershell 3.1.

    I am facing  the below error when add-snapin from PSSession

    "Add-PSSnapin …

  • Parameters to script and back


    I can't find any information about how to send parameter values from a workflow to a powershell script and back (after modifying them).

    What I already tried to pass parametervalues to a script:

    $testvar = $Workflow.Parameter("test")…

  • Cannot connect to ARS using Connect-QADService when called from a PowerShell Module

    We have a basic script that opens a connection to ARS from within our PowerShell scripts. The script was provided by our Active Directory team and basically searches for ARS SCPs in AD, gets a list of those connection points, extracts the ARS server names…

  • Script for Quest Powershell in order to pull data from AD

    Hi All, im new to powershell and need to extract out some data.

    I would like to extract below attributes from AD for a User. Could you please help me in fixing the script.

    Get-QADUser t70869 | select -ObjectAttributes samAccountName, givenName, sn, displayName…