• Auditing Workflow

    Is it possible in AR to audit the outcomes of a workflow?  I.E. track the approvals or rejections?

  • How to include search object in an email?

     Hi guys,

    I'm attempting to build a workflow that will look for a virtual attribute set to a date/time. The workflow will compare the time to the current time, and send an email once the time is older than current time.

    My issue is that I can't seem…

  • Workflow: Notify Managers about expiring Users?


    We have a requirement to inform Managers of any user accounts which are about to expire (not the password-expiry, but the "Account Expires" date, using attribute "accountExpires").

    Idea was to have a Scheduled Workflow which…

  • Workflow to check for Duplicate SAMAccount Name in multi-domain forest

    Can someone point me in the right direction to create a workflow which upon create request will check to see if there is a user by that SAMAccount name already in the forest?

  • Possible to attached Workflow output as CSV?


    I'm using a scheduled Workflow to first locate and then deprovision inactive user accounts in AD. By itself the Workflow is fine (only using native tasks) and with the option enabled to "Attach a report of workflow execution to notification message…

  • Use workflow script to modify attribute of removed member

    I have a need to modify an attribute whenever a user is removed from a group. Stored in every users extensionattribute5 are values like this   1024adm;1025adm;1969adm;1429adm;


    We have matching groups for each of those values.   What I would like is that…

  • Workflow notification emails

    In the Notification message of a workflow, how can I convert <% =Operation.TargetToSet["accountExpires"] %> into a human readable date?