• How to check if an account is licenced after backsync following update to 8.1.3


    I've recently updated to 8.1.3 and I'm having trouble with one of the custom scripts since it uses a newer version of powershell.  We have a hybrid setup and when we create users we aren't creating a mailbox.  Instead Exchange online is…

  • Need to get Deprovision Report sent to user who initiated the action or else be able to get record of changes made

    The Deprovision User has the ability to email a report to a user specified in the Policy.  I like the report that is generated and would like to be able to have it sent to the person initiating the deprovision so that they can attach it to the service…

  • Which permission triggers visibility of "Exchange Properties"


    because of a certain delegation I would need to make "Exchange Properties" visible to some user in ActiveRoles.

    However, I haven't found out which permission is actually triggering this visibility. In The Web Form it just says that it…

  • How to Rename 'Other Properties' Tab in Active Roles Console?


    I've made modifications to the properties window within the Active Roles Console and added a new tab named "other properties." Does anyone know how to rename this tab?

    For reference, I've been using this Knowledge Base article:…

  • Unable to modify attribute in onPostCreate


    I am trying to modify the attribute ""edsvaSendAsTrustees" in $DirObj in the function onPostCreate. My PowerShell function that is called in the onPostCreate looks like this:

  • Is it possible to customize the Group Members and Add Members page to show additional columns as default view for all users?

    We would like to customize the Members page of the Group Management site to display an extra column or two, but it doesn't have a Customize button. Is it possible to customize that page and set a default view for all users?

    We would also like to do…

  • Can't Access Saved Object Properties from Script / Counter Returns Empty


    We're trying to create a workflow that counts every time a user enables or disables another user every day (workflow trigger is the modifivation of edsaAccountIsDisabled). (the counter resets every day.) If the counter reaches 20, the action requires…

  • Copy groups a domain user A belong to to another domain user in the same domain, with a selection of the groups to copy

    Hi Experts,

    Completely new to ARS / ARSWeb, I would need some details about the task I've been assigned to:

    - ARS : version 7.5

    In One Identity Active Roles Web 7.50, how can I create a form to allow an admin user to copy groups with a selection…

  • Password Generation: Limiting Users By Group Membership


    We applied a custom passwrod generation policy, and we want to force members of certain groups to reset passwords by generation (uneditable).

    For example, when "strongUser1" (member of Domain Admins) tries to reset "jdoe"'s password, they should…

  • retrieve PowerShell command in web interface

    I have script in workflow to check LAPS password from ms-Mcs-AdmPwd and send it to initiator mail,
    The workflow in WI task. it's possible to retrieve the password to Web Interface and not to mail?

  • Failed to add Managed Domain


    I tried to add management Domain in Active Roles version 8.1 and I got this error -  " The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted"
    I tried everything from KB without success

    Description of the problem -

    1. one…

  • Domain sync with groups to a sub domain and users as member of the root domain

    Hello Experts,

    Anyone happen to have handled a domain groups sync in a situation where the groups and users are in the same forest but the groups need to be created in the sub domain but the users are in the root domain.

    • (Source)
      • Acquired Domain (Acquired…
  • Use workflow script to modify Azure attribute of removed member (disabling)

    Good morning

    I am a beginner in ARS Workflows....

    I have a use case where an account which is synched from AD on-Premise to Azure is disabled on premise and must be immediately disabled on Azure without waiting for next the AAD synch run.

    i know how to…

  • Backlink attributes

    Is it possible to create a virtual attribute on one class of objects and tie it to another class via a backlink attribute?

    Similar to Members in groups and Memberof in Users, how can I create a banklink that works like this?

    I haven't found any references…

  • Policy User Logon Name: Compound name

    In Spain it is very common to have compound names, for example: Maria Del Carmen.
    I am looking for how to create the samaccountname as follows:
    Maria (Attribute 1)
    Del Carmen (Attribute 2)
    Perez (Attribute 3)
    First letter of attribute 1 + First letter…

  • Name and description policy for pre-create Computer object

    I'm trying to create a policy which requires the following two conditions to be met in order for a computer object to be created:

    1. The name must be prefixed with the first six characters of the containing ou (ou name=LA0001PES)

    2. The description…

  • PowerShell - Access Template - checkboxs for apply permissions onto

    The command being leveraged is:

    New-QARSAccessTemplateLink -AccessTemplate $AccessTemplate -DirectoryObject $DirObj -Trustee $TrustedGroup -Proxy
    What additional parameters are required to remove "Child objects of this directory object" selection (uncheck…
  • How to connect to ARS v8 from PowerShell?

    I have the following function in PowerShell:

    Function Get-ARSServers {

    $searchRoot = "CN=Enterprise Directory Manager,CN=Aelita,CN=System,$([System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain().GetDirectoryEntry() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty…

  • Can Active Roles perform WMI queries


    I'm working on a way to filter devices based on their type (laptop, tablet, desktop) to move them into a corresponding OU.  I've done this before using the parent OU or name but in my new situation all devices will be in one big OU to start so…

  • Remove a list users from a list of groups

    Hey everyone, 
    I am new to the community and new to Active Roles. 
    I have been able to create a couple of scripts for bulk add/remove users and groups, but am having issues with creating a script to launch that will remove a list of users (CSV) from a list…

  • Copy Managed Resources between users


    I want to copy/move Managed Resources between users in ARwebAdmin/Console

    How can I do it?

  • Synchronization service powershell write to datetime attribute error


    I have been trying to script getting a datetime from MS Graph and output this to a virtual attribute (configured as general time) in Active Roles, but every time I receive the same error, no matter what I do:

    "The string was not recognized as…

  • Get Users of Dynamic Groups

    I have a dynamic group called F_AllManagers. It is made up of multiple dynamic groups. I need to get a list of the actual users from the multiple dynamic groups that make up the F_AllManagers. How can this be done in Quest Powershell?

  • Pop-up to Form in Home Page ARS 8.0


    I build a Web Interface to create users, and I send the URL forms to the home page. The Forms

    but when I open the form it's open on a new page,

    can I configure it to open in a pop-up like a normal form in ou? For example - pop-up


  • ARS Upgrade to 8.0 workflow approvals that request information causes error


    This is my very first posting to any One Identity forum.  I recently upgraded my Active Roles server from 7.4.3 to 8.0 and noticed that some of my workflows are throwing web errors.  This big red error banner on the approval pop-up states "Object…