• O365 Distribution Group Sync to ARS

    I have a bunch of O365 Distribution Groups that I used to bring down into ARS via the sync tool.  The issue is whenever I add someone to the group it doesn't update in O365.  When I add someone to the managed by field it doesn't update the owner field…

  • Improve Dynamic Group calulations


    We just upgraded to 7.2 and seem to be having some dynamic group issues.

    Object are not getting added to dynamic groups right away as they were in 6.9.

    An object will get added instantly when you create the object in ARS but when created in AD…

  • Has anyone Load Balanced AR 6.9 for 1IM usage?

    Hi all,

    I am using Active Roles 6.9 and have two servers.

    I also use 1IM Identity management 6.1.4 and wanted to relieve some windows throttling  (On my AR server) by load balancing ( round robin or something).


    I would need to use the load balanced DNS…

  • Import-Module SQLPS - In Script Module | Active Roles


    I just upgraded to Active Roles 7.2 and trying to run a powershell script module with SQL cmdlets.

    The cmdlets runs fine from ISE but I cannot get them to run from the script module.

    I even run Import-Module SQLPS in the script module. This was…

  • IsCommandAvailable.vbs function - GetEx method stopped working in 7.2

    We are upgrading from 6.9 to 7.2. It seems that our functions in IsCommandAvailable.vbs  is erroring out at 'allowedAttributesEffective = objCommandContext.DirectoryObject.GetEx("allowedAttributesEffective")' command  with error 'Class…

  • Upgrading from to 7.2 in parallel


        It is time for us to upgrade our old Quest One Active Roles environment to the latest version.  AR 6.9.0 is running on Server 2008R2, and I would like to build the 7.2 environment on Server 2016.  Active Roles DB is running on SQL 2012, currently…

  • Translating Objectsid to SID

    We have a postcreate script (powershell) that we run to set permissions for a users home directory. I am attempting to convert the script from using the users samaccountname to use the users sid. The problem is that from the $Request I am only able to…

  • Need to find out all attributed modified in function onPreModify

    Hi all!

    I need to dynamically find all attributes modified in function onPreModify($Request).

    I do NOT want to something like:

    function onPreModify($Request)


    if ((IsAttributeModified "edsva_myattribute" $Request) -eq $true)

                #do something…

  • ActiveRoles Managed DLs in O365

    Is there a way or ARS Powershell script to bulk change on-prem MS Exchange DLs to ActiveRole managed DLs in O365.
  • Error in workflow - need help works in powershell

    I can run this in Powershell no issues, would appropriate any help.  I am writing how many days left until an account expires to a VA.

    = (([datetime]::FromFileTime((Get-ADUser Identity $user -Properties "msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed…
  • Modify Access Templates

           I am rebuilding our 6.9 ARS installation and have a question about Templates. During the original engagement my predecessor copied the templates he was going to use in a MyCompany container and didn't make use of the default templates. Is this a standard…

  • Is there a way to successfully update the MemberOf field using Synchronization Service?

    We would like to use Synch Service to update user's group membership from a SQL DB, instead of manually adding groups. We get the below message and found a KB article that says to create a virtual attribute for each group, but this workflow will apply…

  • ARS 7.2 and O365 account passwords

    When creating an account in ActiveRoles and then creating that same account in the tenant, where is the password stored?  Is it also stored in the tenant?  If it is, what process updates that password if the synchronization service is not setup to sync…

  • attribute based access control

     Hey guys,

    is it possible to give a user-group permissons (eg PW-reset) on all user in another user-group? Further we need do design this delegation dynamic.


    An example:

    All members of the group "APW123" can reset the password for each user, that is member…

  • Inactive users Managed unit

    I would like to create a managed unit to find Inactive users, I know there is a workflow that can search inactive users.  I was thinking a managed unit with a custom search but not sure.

  • How to remove breadcrumbs

    I am recreating all my site and want to know how to remove breadcrumbs and the tree view Tab in the new web interface in version 7.2

  • Active Role w/ Multi Domains - Reference Architecture


    i am trying to help a customer troubleshooting their production issues, customer has asked for a reference architecture.  Customer has around 20+ Managed Unite, 1000+ Dynamic Groups and close to 200 ARS administrators. The MUs & Dynamic Groups spans…

  • Active Roles custom attributes(edsva) reference?

    Where can I find more information about the Active Roles custom attributes like edsva-MsExch-MailboxType and what are the supported values? Is there a reference for all Active Roles custom attributes and where it is located if there is one?

  • Workflow to Remove User From Group if in Another Group

    What would be the best way, if possible, to remove a user from a group Group1_Test whenever they are a member of another group that begins with Group1. For example, I am currently a member of Group1_Test and I am now being added to Group1_Test2. Is there…

  • ActiveRoles 712 and O365

    I have installed 712 and all of the services.  I know the O365 add-on isn't compatible.  I've added my tenant and can create Azure AD user and manage the license.  Now how do I manage the O365 mail options for a user?  There is nothing written, that…

  • 7.1 SyncService Azure Connector - delta mode and authentication_expiredToken


    its again me regarding the Azure Connector after getting some experiances.


    My first question concerns the delta mode when reading AzureAD. This option is mentioned as supported within the Admin Guid but also in the AzureADConnector_ConnectorConfig…

  • Get-QADUser returns blank values

    In the process of upgrading our v6.9 to the latest version but there is a burning issue for which our Operations team is looking for a report. The requirement is to gather the list of all user accounts in AD with their EmployeeIDReference and Division…

  • ARS Server Collector


    I have the same question as here: https://www.quest.com/community/products/one-identity/f/active-roles/10750/ars-server-collector/29411

    But because there are only answers which don't answer the question I'm gonne give it a try.

    Can someone…

  • Dynamic from email address in a workflow?

    Hi guys,

    Right now we have some new hire and departure workflows set up on a per-user basis, as HR wants the emails to come from them, rather than an HR alias. I was wondering if it's possible to have the from address in a workflow be dynamic based on…

  • Windows Administrative Delegation


    I was wondering what Quest product can perform the following functionality, as I need a single product (key word) for Windows 7->10 client & W2K8 R2->W2K16 server, that covers all the below tasks with no user admin rights at all (i.e.…