• Change/replace SIP address from the edsvaOffice365-UserID field

    Ill start off by saying I am a complete novice

    I would like to change user SIP address with the field edsvaOffice365-UserID

    Id also like to be able to update this by OU if possible

    I am using Quest Commandlet to pull this information. Get-QADUser -SearchRoot…

  • Need to find out all attributed modified in function onPreModify

    Hi all!

    I need to dynamically find all attributes modified in function onPreModify($Request).

    I do NOT want to something like:

    function onPreModify($Request)


    if ((IsAttributeModified "edsva_myattribute" $Request) -eq $true)

                #do something…

  • Need a way to not delete an account that is marked for litigation hold

    Hello Community,


    I'm trying to find a way that i can incorporate into my standard Deprovision Policy explained below.

    Corp deprovisioning policy for users.
    Disable Account
    Sets Password Random
    Group membership – Remove!
    Exchange Mailbox – disable…

  • Updating EDS_CONTROL_OBJECT_DN Not Working - ARS 7

    I've created a workstation deprovisioning policy, this policy changes properties, disabled and moves a workstation to a deprovisioned OU. This isn't a form policy, it's an attribute setter command. It flips a boolean to true which kicks off the policy…

  • Using Quest Commandlets in onPostGet Function (Looping & Crashing ActiveRoles Service)

    I implemented a new script to our system yesterday that uses onPostGet to retrieve information and show information on a form after it loads. I have traced it down to running QAD commandlets in the onPostGet function. This leads to errors like:


  • Customized workflow approval process

    Good day to all..

    We got a request from the customer saying.. If a user added to a specific group, workflow trigger a approvals mail to user's manager.

    We selected "Manager of person being added or removed from a Target group", in "Approvers…

  • Use ARS and/or powershell to create groups - nested & add members automatically?

    We use the lousy nested structure for shared folder ntfs permissions where a domain local group contains a universal which contains a global and the global has the users.  I want to find a way to create the 3 groups required when a new folder is setup…

  • Searching and exporting account information from Active Directory

    I would like to do the following with AD accounts:

    Export the following fields from Active Directory to an Excel sheet with the appropriate headers:

    Under AD Account's General Tab: First Name, Last name, Display Name, Description, Office, Telephone Number…