• Help in creating dynamic group using powershell using Include group members

    Does anyone have an example of a PowerShell script of creating a dynamic group based upon the "Include by group membership" & "Include Explicit" rules? I'm able to setup groups using the Include by query rule.

    FYI, I tried…

  • Dynamic Groups Question

    Is it possible to create a report of all the objects that have been dynamically removed from an Active Roles dynamic group over a certain time period?  

  • Clarify - Change to dynamic group processing in ARS 8.1.4

    Asking from anyone that may already know ...

    From the 8.1.4 release notes -

    Previously, Active Roles forced rebuilding dynamic groups each time a member was added to or removed from the dynamic group.

    This issue is now fixed, so Active Roles now rebuilds…

  • Dynamic Group rebuild are "polluting" user Change History

    Hi All,

    I've been searching around the forum and can't find an answer to my question. Perhaps others are not experiencing this or don't see it as an issue.

    We have users that are in a few (large) dynamic groups. Whenever a group is automatically…

  • Dynamic Distro - Filter Help

    In our environment we have different groups of users, and they have different formats of their EmployeeID. Some are all numbers, and some are prefaced with an alpha character. I am trying to come up with a query to only include users with an EmployeeID…

  • Remove users from Dynamic Group?

    Hello to all, 

    I have build a Dynamic Group and that group has members, but I want to delete some of members from that dynamic group and it is possible with Rebuild to not break the rules to stay still dynamic or it is not possible.


  • Get Users of Dynamic Groups

    I have a dynamic group called F_AllManagers. It is made up of multiple dynamic groups. I need to get a list of the actual users from the multiple dynamic groups that make up the F_AllManagers. How can this be done in Quest Powershell?

  • What are the EventID's when manually rebuilding Dynamic Groups?

    2528 - "Rebuilding membership list of Dynamic Group started"

    2587 - "Rebuilding membership list of Dynamic Group completed successfully"

    We have ARS

    I see those two EventID's when a Dynamic Group is auto rebuilt. However, no…

  • Deprovision Dynamic Groups

    Is deprovisioning dynamic groups coming in a future release? I wrote a PS script to write out the rules to a text file and convert the group to a standard group, then deprovision it. It would be nice to be able to just deprovision a dynamic group just…

  • How to Copy Logic of a Dynamic Group

    Hi All,

    Does anyone know of a way to copy the logic from one dynamic group to another or even reuse the same logic with a slight change for an existing group?

    Example - 

    We have 3 user types but the Dynamic Groups only give options to use "and" or …

  • Dynamic Group Rebuilds

    We have been using large dynamic groups, 10k plus members, though even on the smaller one this is a problem.  Rebuilds are really problematic because a read by any service, in the middle of a rebuild, will cause that service to assume the, as yet to be…

  • Dynamic Group - Recursive membership based on nested manager chain...

    Imagine a single manage is over 12 managers who in-turn all have 12 subordinate managers who all have teams of 10+ people - is there an easy native way to create a dynamic group membership query that encompasses ALL those people?

    Head-Manager Jill <- Sub…

  • Export All Dynamic groups with its membership rules

    Hello Guys,

    I'm in need of a powershell script to get all dynamic groups in our environment with the membership rules. 

    I can get the list using the below script but the membership rules i get is the membership rules plus GUID & SID of the OU's with…