K-12 District Gets Identity and Access Management Right, overcomes security deficiencies

With more than 17,000 students and 48 schools spread across rural south-central Ontario, Canada, Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) faced the same basic IAM challenges as anyone else —ensuring that the right people, have the right access to the right resources, and with the ability to prove all that access is right.

But, as with most large educational institutions, the school district had a massive number of users to provision in a very short time. The start of instruction session brought with it a high-volume of users – students and staff - who needed access quickly. This huge spike in provisioning work is further complicated by ever-changing curriculum requirements, and a desire to provide the richest learning environment possible through technology, all combining to amplify demands on the district’s IT team.

Before implementing One Identity’s Active Roles and Password Manager solutions, much of the provisioning was done manually, which led to inconsistent access permissions for users, orphaned user accounts that remained open long after the student or staff member had left the district, which in turn resulted in money spent unnecessarily on unused software licenses.

But once the district consulted with an IT partner, who recommended One Identity, the district was able to overcome the challenges it faced with its hybrid environment by automating the most troublesome IAM tasks in Active Directory and Azure Active Directory. The result is a dramatic increase in IT efficiency, more technology-enabled learning for students, and an elimination of its most vexing security deficiencies and mitigate risk overall.

To learn more details about how One Identity helped TLDSB dramatically improve its IAM operations read the full case study.

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