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TOAD 11.0, 64-bit and Java

We are planning an upgrade to a 64-bit environment (OS and Office 2013).  Looking for information about TOAD 11.0 and compatibility.


Also wondering if there are any dependencies/issues/conflicts with java in our Oracle environment.



  • There are no java requirements for Toad for Oracle at all. Please be aware that Toad 11.0 is from 2011 and 8 versions behind the current 12.10 version. It was also only QA'd on operating systems through Windows Vista and on Oracle DB servers through 11gR2.
  • There are no java requirements for Toad for Oracle at all. Please be aware that Toad 11.0 is from 2011 and 8 versions behind the current 12.10 version. It was also only QA'd on operating systems through Windows Vista and on Oracle DB servers through 11gR2.
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