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Create ITShop Orders not working in 7.0.2

I need to create ITShop Orders in One IM 7.0.2.

I have followed some threads (primarily

I've I tried fillOrder, CreateITShopOrders, etc, put objectkeyordered, UID_Org, parameters etc... but haven't been able to do so. Similiar to this also


Furthermore, when I try the CreateITShopOrders methodcall then I get this error:

[System.ArgumentException] Object of type 'VI.DB.Entities.InteractiveEntity' cannot be converted to type 'VI.DB.ISingleDbObject'.

seems like it's the custom script parameters (which are ISingleDbObjects based on examples)

DBObject.Custom.CallMethod("CreateITShopOrder", strUID_ITShopOrg, strUID_Person, CustomScriptName)


Did the process of creating itshop orders change in version 7?



  • Hi Srini and Raja,

    I have just implemented this in V711 (with the help of a hotfix to support the CreateITShopOrder method on PersonHasTSBAccountDef) but the below code works for me:

    Public Sub CCC_Convert_Acc_Def_Assignment_To_ITShop_Order(ByVal XObjectKey As String)

    Dim dbPersonHasTSBAccountDef As ISingleDbObject = Connection.CreateSingle(New DbObjectKey(XObjectKey))

    End Sub

    Public Sub CCC_CreateAutoApprovedAccDefOrder_ExtraInfo(ByRef dbAssignment As IEntity, ByRef dbPWO As IEntity)
    'Populate values in PWO:
    dbPWO.PutValue("OrderReason", "Account Definition assignment converted to IT Shop request automatically.")
    End Sub

    HTH, Barry.
  • Hi Srini and Raja,

    I have just implemented this in V711 (with the help of a hotfix to support the CreateITShopOrder method on PersonHasTSBAccountDef) but the below code works for me:

    Public Sub CCC_Convert_Acc_Def_Assignment_To_ITShop_Order(ByVal XObjectKey As String)

    Dim dbPersonHasTSBAccountDef As ISingleDbObject = Connection.CreateSingle(New DbObjectKey(XObjectKey))

    End Sub

    Public Sub CCC_CreateAutoApprovedAccDefOrder_ExtraInfo(ByRef dbAssignment As IEntity, ByRef dbPWO As IEntity)
    'Populate values in PWO:
    dbPWO.PutValue("OrderReason", "Account Definition assignment converted to IT Shop request automatically.")
    End Sub

    HTH, Barry.
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