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How can we give permission to Approver to use Identity Manager 7.0 REST API to accept a request?

We are using the IdM 7 REST API  to obtain pending requests for a given approver (using the Approver's credentials). However, we have a permission issue when trying to update a given request to the Approver using the makeDecision method. We can only use the API and the method to modify the request when signing with an admin account.

  • If you are using a normal user, role-based or not is irrelevant, the user needs to have a program function assigned called Common_StartCustomizerMethods.

    These program function can be assigned to permission groups and you just need to ensure, that your logged in user is a member of a permission group with that program function assigned.

    For role-based groups that means that your person has to assigned to an application role, where a permission group is assigned that grants the person access to the program function mentioned.

  • If you are using a normal user, role-based or not is irrelevant, the user needs to have a program function assigned called Common_StartCustomizerMethods.

    These program function can be assigned to permission groups and you just need to ensure, that your logged in user is a member of a permission group with that program function assigned.

    For role-based groups that means that your person has to assigned to an application role, where a permission group is assigned that grants the person access to the program function mentioned.

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