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Attestation with Product Owner as Approver

 Hi Team,


I have scenario where i configured Product owner as approver ,But i need to transfer the attestation request to  product owner manager if attestation object and product owner is same person

for example 

userA is part of group1,group2,group3 and he is also owner of group1,group2,group3


when attestation is triggered for userA approval is coming to userA,instead how can i route the request to UserA's manager 


  • I was adding CD and using below query but getting some error

    select 1 from (select a5.UID_Person as Approver,a4.UID_OrgRuler,a1.UID_AttestationCase,a6.UID_Person from Attestationcase a1

    Inner Join ADSAccountInADSGroup a2 on a1.ObjectKeyBase=a2.XObjectKey
    left Join ADSGroup a3 on a3.UID_ADSGroup=a2.UID_ADSGroup
    left Join AccProduct a4 on a4.UID_AccProduct=a3.UID_AccProduct
    Inner join PersonInAERole a5 on a5.UID_AERole=a4.UID_OrgRuler
    left join ADSAccount a6 on a2.UID_ADSAccount=a6.UID_ADSAccount

    where a6.UID_Person is not NULL) s1 where Approver = UID_person and UID_AttestationCase='@UID_attestationcase'

    sample query can be help full
  • I was adding CD and using below query but getting some error

    select 1 from (select a5.UID_Person as Approver,a4.UID_OrgRuler,a1.UID_AttestationCase,a6.UID_Person from Attestationcase a1

    Inner Join ADSAccountInADSGroup a2 on a1.ObjectKeyBase=a2.XObjectKey
    left Join ADSGroup a3 on a3.UID_ADSGroup=a2.UID_ADSGroup
    left Join AccProduct a4 on a4.UID_AccProduct=a3.UID_AccProduct
    Inner join PersonInAERole a5 on a5.UID_AERole=a4.UID_OrgRuler
    left join ADSAccount a6 on a2.UID_ADSAccount=a6.UID_ADSAccount

    where a6.UID_Person is not NULL) s1 where Approver = UID_person and UID_AttestationCase='@UID_attestationcase'

    sample query can be help full
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