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SQL Load Balancer

I noticed that v7.0.1 now provides a SQL load balancer server function for job servers. Can anyone provide some guidance as to how to properly configure this? 

  • Your assumption is right. You assign the server function to a bunch of job servers that do not have the Master SQL server function assigned. The system will then distribute the generated processes across these servers in addition to the Master SQL job service.

    Please be aware that there is a hotfix available for 7.0.1 that solves a problem in combination with the AutoUpdate feature of the job services which is is fixed in 7.0.2. You could also request the hotfix for 7.0.1 from support by mentioning the issue number VPR#25045.
  • Your assumption is right. You assign the server function to a bunch of job servers that do not have the Master SQL server function assigned. The system will then distribute the generated processes across these servers in addition to the Master SQL job service.

    Please be aware that there is a hotfix available for 7.0.1 that solves a problem in combination with the AutoUpdate feature of the job services which is is fixed in 7.0.2. You could also request the hotfix for 7.0.1 from support by mentioning the issue number VPR#25045.
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