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SQL Load Balancer

I noticed that v7.0.1 now provides a SQL load balancer server function for job servers. Can anyone provide some guidance as to how to properly configure this? 

  • Good to know.

    How is the process distribution handled; Is it spread out evenly, or does it query the server pool some how and get assigned to the server with the least amount of load on it? Also, is there a way to manually assign specific SQL tasks to a specific job server, and is there a way to monitor what processes/tasks have been distributed to each job server?

    I may be confusing the two(job queue vs dbqueue) so I should ask this question... are the job servers actually processing the SQL tasks that are in the DBQueue?

    I appreciate all of the feedback. Load balancing is something that customers have been asking for for quite sometime. I would like to make sure that I have a thorough understanding of the function.
  • Good to know.

    How is the process distribution handled; Is it spread out evenly, or does it query the server pool some how and get assigned to the server with the least amount of load on it? Also, is there a way to manually assign specific SQL tasks to a specific job server, and is there a way to monitor what processes/tasks have been distributed to each job server?

    I may be confusing the two(job queue vs dbqueue) so I should ask this question... are the job servers actually processing the SQL tasks that are in the DBQueue?

    I appreciate all of the feedback. Load balancing is something that customers have been asking for for quite sometime. I would like to make sure that I have a thorough understanding of the function.
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