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Export Report As a CSV



We are trying to export a report in CSV File format using ReportComponent - Export component,

In Report Editor below is the configuration for header


But in Actual CSV File after export There is a prefix DataPerson_

We want to Remove the prefix on header

Any help is highly appreciated

Thank you


  • Hi udbolla,

    The header band column names are not used when you export the report as a csv.  The names of the data items are used in this case.

    So to fix this in your case, select each data element in your data band (e.g. {Person.BUN}) then in the 'Properties' tab on the right hand side edit the (Name) field e.g.:

    You'll have to do this for each field in your data band.

    HTH, Barry.

  • Hi udbolla,

    The header band column names are not used when you export the report as a csv.  The names of the data items are used in this case.

    So to fix this in your case, select each data element in your data band (e.g. {Person.BUN}) then in the 'Properties' tab on the right hand side edit the (Name) field e.g.:

    You'll have to do this for each field in your data band.

    HTH, Barry.

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