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Export Report As a CSV



We are trying to export a report in CSV File format using ReportComponent - Export component,

In Report Editor below is the configuration for header


But in Actual CSV File after export There is a prefix DataPerson_

We want to Remove the prefix on header

Any help is highly appreciated

Thank you


  • You could use the Tag property of each textbox in the Data band to specify the name of the header that should be exported to the CSV

    You can be specify the following elements that control the export:

    • Export Type : "FieldName"

    Several elements should be separated with the semicolon.

    The "Export Type" element indicates for which export the field name is set. The values can be used: “dbf”, “csv”, “xml”, “default”. The "FieldName" element indicates the field name in the file. The own name can be specified to each type of export. If the name for each export is not specified then the name for the “default” type is taken. For example:

    • DBF : "Describe" ; CSV : "Description" ; default: "Default name"

    So in your sample add the tags to the text boxes in the data band (not in the header!).

    • DataPerson_BUN.Tag = CSV: "BUN"

    and so on.

    You could use the solution from Barry as well, but renaming the textboxes could lead lead to problems in finished reports but is easier than using the Tags.






  • Markus,  I have the same problem with CSV reports when I get them  by means of email. However, if I try to save report in CSV format in Manager or Report Editor I can choose in settings "Bands Filter  -  Data and Headers/Footers" and mark "Skip Column Name" and get names of columns from HeaderBand.

    Can I set such settings for CSV reports which I get by means of email using Web Portal?

  • What version of OneIM are you using?

    What type of report are you exporting? A simple list report?

  • Version of OneIM is 8.0.1. 

    I mean reports which were created in ReportEditor, not simple reports.

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