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How to set UNSAccountB as Outstanding in vb script in V7 (XmarkedForDeletion)

How to set an UNSAccountB as Outstanding by using a VB Script (XmarkedForDeletion = 2)

  • Hi René,

    you have to set the state property of the entity your UNSAccountB is stored in your script code.

    Please take a look at the sample script that loads an UNSAccountB object from the database, sets it to Outstanding and saves it to the database.

    Public Sub CCC_UNSAccountB_MarkAsOutstanding(UID_UNSAccountB As String)
        Dim eUNSAccountB As IEntity
        ' Create and load the UNSAccountB entity
        eUNSAccountB = Session.Source.Get("UNSAccountB ", UID_UNSAccountB)
    	' Set the state of the entity to OutStanding
    	eUNSAccountB.State = eUNSAccountB.State Or EntityState.OutStanding
    	' Save the entity to the database
        Using uow = Session.StartUnitOfWork()
            ' put the entity to save in the unit of work
            ' The entities will be saved here!
        End Using
    End Sub


  • Hi René,

    you have to set the state property of the entity your UNSAccountB is stored in your script code.

    Please take a look at the sample script that loads an UNSAccountB object from the database, sets it to Outstanding and saves it to the database.

    Public Sub CCC_UNSAccountB_MarkAsOutstanding(UID_UNSAccountB As String)
        Dim eUNSAccountB As IEntity
        ' Create and load the UNSAccountB entity
        eUNSAccountB = Session.Source.Get("UNSAccountB ", UID_UNSAccountB)
    	' Set the state of the entity to OutStanding
    	eUNSAccountB.State = eUNSAccountB.State Or EntityState.OutStanding
    	' Save the entity to the database
        Using uow = Session.StartUnitOfWork()
            ' put the entity to save in the unit of work
            ' The entities will be saved here!
        End Using
    End Sub


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