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Unix connector - Import accounts belong to the specified group

How to specify Scope in Unix connector project (Synchronization Editor) to import accounts that only belong to specified group?

  • Hi,

    1. You need to go the "Target System" configurations on the left menu.
    2. Define your scope (click on the Edit Scope button)
    3. Click on the dropdown list for "Scope hierarchy" and select "User"
    4. Define your condition, in this case will be something like this
    Gid = 'yourGID'
  • Hi,

    1. You need to go the "Target System" configurations on the left menu.
    2. Define your scope (click on the Edit Scope button)
    3. Click on the dropdown list for "Scope hierarchy" and select "User"
    4. Define your condition, in this case will be something like this
    Gid = 'yourGID'
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