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Already loaded DLL needs to be changed and renamed. How to remove an existing DLL?

Running Q1IM 6.1.2: I inherited an environment that uses DLL's to allow for script libraries to code against target systems API's and such. I have coded changes to an existing loaded DLL in 1IM. It will have a new DLL name and namespace. I didn't inherit the code for the already loaded and differently named DLL. So I need to be able to clean up by removing the old DLL. Does anyone know how to remove a DLL?  The doc has information about how to Load a DLL but not the reverse. Thanks, Todd

  •  Hi Todd,

    Most people compile where it really isn't necessary.   And in any case, it doesn't matter whether you make a change through ObjectBrowser or Designer...a compile will be required.

    In general, only the following operations require a compile:

    1. Changing a process.
    2. Changing a script.
    3. Changing a template.
    4. Adding or removing a config param where the "pre-processor relevent parameter" field is checked.

    Changing other parameters, adding DLLs, changing rights, etc. never require a compile.  And if you don't see "Waiting for compiler" in the DB queue, you are ready to go.



  •  Hi Todd,

    Most people compile where it really isn't necessary.   And in any case, it doesn't matter whether you make a change through ObjectBrowser or Designer...a compile will be required.

    In general, only the following operations require a compile:

    1. Changing a process.
    2. Changing a script.
    3. Changing a template.
    4. Adding or removing a config param where the "pre-processor relevent parameter" field is checked.

    Changing other parameters, adding DLLs, changing rights, etc. never require a compile.  And if you don't see "Waiting for compiler" in the DB queue, you are ready to go.



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