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Already loaded DLL needs to be changed and renamed. How to remove an existing DLL?

Running Q1IM 6.1.2: I inherited an environment that uses DLL's to allow for script libraries to code against target systems API's and such. I have coded changes to an existing loaded DLL in 1IM. It will have a new DLL name and namespace. I didn't inherit the code for the already loaded and differently named DLL. So I need to be able to clean up by removing the old DLL. Does anyone know how to remove a DLL?  The doc has information about how to Load a DLL but not the reverse. Thanks, Todd

  • Hi all, I did figure this out. Since the Job Server service calls the stdioprocessor.exe & stdioprocessor32.exe the config information has to go there instead of in the vinetworkservice confgi file. As the error stated from MS the calling program has to have the config file information. So I took the same section of config file and planted it in the stdio config files (32 and non 32). The upgrade erased the customizations from these files so it broke during my upgrade. Problem solved. Thanks for reading..

  • Hi all, I did figure this out. Since the Job Server service calls the stdioprocessor.exe & stdioprocessor32.exe the config information has to go there instead of in the vinetworkservice confgi file. As the error stated from MS the calling program has to have the config file information. So I took the same section of config file and planted it in the stdio config files (32 and non 32). The upgrade erased the customizations from these files so it broke during my upgrade. Problem solved. Thanks for reading..

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