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Object <Business Role> cannot be deleted while objects of type <Business Roles> are still assigned.


We are having some issue to delete a Business role.
In fact, we get the following message error :

Error: [810008] Could not save object XXXX.
[810043] Object <XXXX> cannot be deleted while objects of type <Business Roles> are still assigned.

   at VI.DialogEngine.DialogEngine.DeleteDocument(IDocument[] documents, Schedule schedule)
   at VI.MVC.Document.Delete()
   at VI.MVC.SingleDBObjectDocument.OnDelete()
   at VI.DB.Implementation.SingleDbObject.Save()
   ---- Start of Inner Exception ----
   at VI.DB.Implementation.SingleDbObject.Save()
   at VI.DB.Implementation.SingleDbObject._RIDeleteCheck()

We already have checked the table PersonWantsOrg, PersonInOrg and PersonInBaseTree but didn't see any reference to this object.

What other dependencies do we need to look at? 
Do you know a way to overcome this ?
How can I raise the log message in order to have more information ?

Thanking you in advance,

Best Regards,

Grevelinger Mike.

  • Hi,

    I found the solution thanks to you.
    In fact, when I used the option " Delete (Including dependent objects)", I saw that an other business Roles have as parent the one that I wanted to delete.
    Once I have deleted this reference, I was able to delete the Business Roles.
    It's strange that in the overview we can't see these dependancies.

    Thank you for your help,

    Best regards,

    Grevelinger Mike.
  • Hi,

    I found the solution thanks to you.
    In fact, when I used the option " Delete (Including dependent objects)", I saw that an other business Roles have as parent the one that I wanted to delete.
    Once I have deleted this reference, I was able to delete the Business Roles.
    It's strange that in the overview we can't see these dependancies.

    Thank you for your help,

    Best regards,

    Grevelinger Mike.
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