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Error during update from 7.0 / 7.0.1 to 7.1

Hello guys, i have an error which keeps on occurring whenever i try upgrading from version 7.0 or 7.0.1 to 7.1

When doing the upgrade, i made sure to stop processing of any job servers and stop all services running on machines


Any help on how to prevent this issue would be appreciated

  • Where the error occurs


  • After pressing Ok on the error dialog




  • What Version is the configuration wizard from you're using to run the upgrade? It should be the 7.1 configuration wizard. That should also know that the column is no longer existing in the target database schema.
  • What Version is the configuration wizard from you're using to run the upgrade? It should be the 7.1 configuration wizard. That should also know that the column is no longer existing in the target database schema.
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