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How do you add/delete AD group memberships using a script

I am trying to write a script (or can use process step) that will remove all of a person's AD group memberships when an attribute changes.  The script I wrote identifies the correct groups but just running a delete on the ADSAccountinADSGroup record is not working.  A sql trace on the session is showing an insert into dialogprocess prior to the delete statement running when using Manager to remove the group but I can only see the bind variables, not the actual values being inserted.

Does anyone know how to accomplish this or another way it can be done?



  • Maybe you could post you script to help you out as deleting a group membership is normally no problem at all.

    Forgive me my stupid questions but just some more areas to check as I never seen that before.

    • Is the AD domain the group is from set to be synchronized by Identity Manger and not set to be read-only?
    • What is the property FullSyncState of the entries in ADSAccountInADSGroup and ADSAccountInADSGroupTotal set to?
  • Maybe you could post you script to help you out as deleting a group membership is normally no problem at all.

    Forgive me my stupid questions but just some more areas to check as I never seen that before.

    • Is the AD domain the group is from set to be synchronized by Identity Manger and not set to be read-only?
    • What is the property FullSyncState of the entries in ADSAccountInADSGroup and ADSAccountInADSGroupTotal set to?
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