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Create Dynamic Role for ITShop from Script

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a dynamic role fro the visbility of an ITShop from script triggered when a certain event is called but the script return me the following error:

"Dynamic roles: Write permission denied for value "Dynamic role"


This is my script:


' create or find dynamic group
Dim dynamicGroup As ISingleDbObject
Dim uid_dynamicGroup As String = Connection.GetSingleProperty("dynamicGroup","uid_dynamicGroup","ObjectKeyBaseTree='<Key><T>ITShopOrg</T><P>"+uid_customers+"</P></Key>'")
dynamicGroup = Connection.CreateSingle("dynamicGroup")
If (uid_dynamicGroup.Equals("")) Then

'msgbox ("uid_customers " + uid_customers)
dynamicGroup.PutValue("uid_dialogschedule",connection.GetSingleProperty("dialogschedule","uid_dialogschedule","name = 'Dynamic roles check'"))
dynamicGroup.PutValue("uid_dialogtableobjectclass",connection.GetSingleProperty("dialogtable","uid_dialogtable","tablename = 'Person'"))
dynamicGroup.PutValue("whereclause","isnull(IsInActive, 0) = 0") 'only active employes
uid_dynamicGroup = dynamicGroup.getValue("uid_dynamicGroup")

dynamicGroup.PutValue("whereclause","isnull(IsInActive, 0) = 0") 'only active employes

There is any way to accomplish that?

This script running on 7.0 didn't return any error now on 7.1 yes.


Thanks Michele

  • The code above is an "extract" of the whole code I cut some parts to show only the relevant code (see ...).
    I discover that I have to fill the value DisplayName = "Dynamic role" of the table Dyanamic Group for not to return me an error.
    The good part is that this value is overwritten by the template custmoization with the value "Person in ..."
  • The code above is an "extract" of the whole code I cut some parts to show only the relevant code (see ...).
    I discover that I have to fill the value DisplayName = "Dynamic role" of the table Dyanamic Group for not to return me an error.
    The good part is that this value is overwritten by the template custmoization with the value "Person in ..."
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