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Create Dynamic Role for ITShop from Script

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a dynamic role fro the visbility of an ITShop from script triggered when a certain event is called but the script return me the following error:

"Dynamic roles: Write permission denied for value "Dynamic role"


This is my script:


' create or find dynamic group
Dim dynamicGroup As ISingleDbObject
Dim uid_dynamicGroup As String = Connection.GetSingleProperty("dynamicGroup","uid_dynamicGroup","ObjectKeyBaseTree='<Key><T>ITShopOrg</T><P>"+uid_customers+"</P></Key>'")
dynamicGroup = Connection.CreateSingle("dynamicGroup")
If (uid_dynamicGroup.Equals("")) Then

'msgbox ("uid_customers " + uid_customers)
dynamicGroup.PutValue("uid_dialogschedule",connection.GetSingleProperty("dialogschedule","uid_dialogschedule","name = 'Dynamic roles check'"))
dynamicGroup.PutValue("uid_dialogtableobjectclass",connection.GetSingleProperty("dialogtable","uid_dialogtable","tablename = 'Person'"))
dynamicGroup.PutValue("whereclause","isnull(IsInActive, 0) = 0") 'only active employes
uid_dynamicGroup = dynamicGroup.getValue("uid_dynamicGroup")

dynamicGroup.PutValue("whereclause","isnull(IsInActive, 0) = 0") 'only active employes

There is any way to accomplish that?

This script running on 7.0 didn't return any error now on 7.1 yes.


Thanks Michele

  • Glad you got it working.

    But I doubt that not setting the DisplayName was the cause of your issues. Just the workaround.

    The property DisplayName is and was a mandatory property in 7.1 and 7.0 and as you have already figured out, will be set by a template which is triggered when you set the columns UID_DialogTableObjectClass and ObjectKeyBaseTree which are mandatory as well.

    The only reasons i can imagine for your code to break when not setting the DisplayName is a customized value template for the column DynamicGroup.DisplayName or, as I have said before, setting the UID_DynamicGroup (PK) of an loaded dynamic group which is not allowed and would lead to the error you have seen.

    As suggestion for your sample code, i would use the method .FillPrimaryKey() for newly created iSingleDBObjects that allows you to access the primary key of the newly created object using GetValue without the need for saving it.



  • Glad you got it working.

    But I doubt that not setting the DisplayName was the cause of your issues. Just the workaround.

    The property DisplayName is and was a mandatory property in 7.1 and 7.0 and as you have already figured out, will be set by a template which is triggered when you set the columns UID_DialogTableObjectClass and ObjectKeyBaseTree which are mandatory as well.

    The only reasons i can imagine for your code to break when not setting the DisplayName is a customized value template for the column DynamicGroup.DisplayName or, as I have said before, setting the UID_DynamicGroup (PK) of an loaded dynamic group which is not allowed and would lead to the error you have seen.

    As suggestion for your sample code, i would use the method .FillPrimaryKey() for newly created iSingleDBObjects that allows you to access the primary key of the newly created object using GetValue without the need for saving it.



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