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we are migrating to V7.1.1.

I can't find the function vid_insertforhandleobject_freeze in the database.

How can we trigger an Dataset Insert / Update via SQL ?

We have special programming in SQL, so DataImporter is no alternative.

exec vid_insertforhandleobject_freeze 'Insert', 'Department',
'FullPath','USU Migration',
'DepartmentName','USU Migration',

Best regards


  • Hi,

    I looked inside the stored procedure QBM_PJobCreateHOInsert and then googled user-defined table.

    In short the QBM_YParameterList allows you to pass a number of values rather than one in the form of a table.

    See this page:

    In order to get a single insert to work I did this:

    declare @ObjectKeysAffected QBM_YParameterList
    exec QBM_PJobCreateHOInsert 'Department','12345',@ObjectKeysAffected,null,null,1,'DepartmentName','Test'

    HTH, Barry.
  • Hi,

    I looked inside the stored procedure QBM_PJobCreateHOInsert and then googled user-defined table.

    In short the QBM_YParameterList allows you to pass a number of values rather than one in the form of a table.

    See this page:

    In order to get a single insert to work I did this:

    declare @ObjectKeysAffected QBM_YParameterList
    exec QBM_PJobCreateHOInsert 'Department','12345',@ObjectKeysAffected,null,null,1,'DepartmentName','Test'

    HTH, Barry.
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