How to remove ITShop request


I'm just now getting into the ITShop and created a requestable product tied to a Security Group.

I was wondering how would I remove that assignment without having to delete from PersonWantsOrg?

I need to have the ability to remove the user from the group through the ITShop.

Thank you,


  • Hi Lu

    There are ways to accomplish that as well. IT Shop can be configured to allow others to request / unsubscribe for their direct reports and so on. This can be found in the IT Shop configuration parameters.

  • Hi Paul.

    "T Shop can be configured to allow others to request / unsubscribe for their direct reports and so on. This can be found in the IT Shop configuration parameters.

    Where exaclty? I'm facing the same problem and I cannot figure out a solution.



  • You may want to explain your complete use-case as the removal of requested group memberships for the group owner is already part of the Web Portal nowadays.

  • Hi Markus, good to read from you!

    I need a user to be able to remove products assigned from the web portal. The user does not have any relation with the recipient or the requestor and is not the product owner or an approver. Let's say, he is the owner of the company (let’s say…) and he wants to be able to enter into the web portal, with his login credentials, and remove roles to anyone or to abort/withdraw  pending requests (this last feature I was able to have it working). 

    I have already opened a service request about this, but I need to be very quick, so I am trying everything I found online. Right now, the solution I implemented, allows that user to see all pending requests (I have made it Chief Approval Team) but he cannot see, for example, assigned products (still from IT Shop). Moreover, where I query the database to get the pwos, something (and I know why) prevents me to get back all the pwos. I desperately need a way to prevent my database object to be filtered. So I can call all custom method on the pwos.

    Hope it’s clear and thank you for your help.


  • Preventing the PWOs from being filtered is not the solution. You would miss the permissions to withdraw the request in the end. I think at least you need to create a new permission group that allows the full access to the requests.

  • Hi Markus, and thanks

    I would be very happy to share pictures, but it seems impossible (using "insert" Tool) and I don't have time, unfortunately, to spend trying to figure out how to post a picture… 

    Please, be very clear: you mean that if a create a new Permission Group from the Designer, let’s say “IT Shop Superuser” and I “connect” this role as follows

    vi_4_ITSHOPADMIN_ADMIN                   -------> VI_4_ITSHOPADMIN_CANCEL              ------->

    VI_4_ITSHOPADMIN_ATTESTOR           ------->                                                                  -------> ITShop_SuperUser

    VI_4_ITSHOPITADMIN_OWNER             ------->                                                                  ------->

    Hope this is clear: ITShop_SuperUser inherits from those 4 permission groups.

    After this, I created an Application Role into the Manager (let’s say “Power User”) and I assigned the Permission Group “ITShop_SuperUser”

    At the end, I assigned “Power User” to the entitled Person.

    The person entitled with “Power User” can see and act on EVERY PWOs in the database?

    (Please, be kind, if YES, where, by the way?)

    Is this correct?

    If not, please, help me, which permissions groups (or what else) should I assign to my power user to allow him to see and act against ALL PWOs?

    Thank you in advance


  • Hi Markus, and thanks

    I would be very happy to share pictures, but it seems impossible (using "insert" Tool) and I don't have time, unfortunately, to spend trying to figure out how to post a picture… 

    Please, be very clear: you mean that if a create a new Permission Group from the Designer, let’s say “IT Shop Superuser” and I “connect” this role as follows

    vi_4_ITSHOPADMIN_ADMIN                   -------> VI_4_ITSHOPADMIN_CANCEL              ------->

    VI_4_ITSHOPADMIN_ATTESTOR           ------->                                                                  -------> ITShop_SuperUser

    VI_4_ITSHOPITADMIN_OWNER             ------->                                                                  ------->

    Hope this is clear: ITShop_SuperUser inherits from those 4 permission groups.

    After this, I created an Application Role into the Manager (let’s say “Power User”) and I assigned the Permission Group “ITShop_SuperUser”

    At the end, I assigned “Power User” to the entitled Person.

    The person entitled with “Power User” can see and act on EVERY PWOs in the database?

    (Please, be kind, if YES, where, by the way?)

    Is this correct?

    If not, please, help me, which permissions groups (or what else) should I assign to my power user to allow him to see and act against ALL PWOs?

    Thank you in advance


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