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PWDLastSet Not Updating

I have a Sync running twice a day, but it doesn't seem to be updating on modifications.  Specifically PWDLastSet, I can use object browser and see xDateUpdate as 4/16/17 but when I look in AD the mmodifcation and PWDLastSet is 4/19/2017.  My Workflows from Target to One Identity "Objects with modified Properties" Set to update.  Any ideas would be appreciated.


  • My first guess would be that in AD the USN is not updated when the password is changed. Then the objects would be not noticed as changed when the revision filter is used.
    What version are you using?
    Please check, if the USN in AD changes when the password is changed. The USN changes at least, if the password is changed in AD with the reset password function.
  • My first guess would be that in AD the USN is not updated when the password is changed. Then the objects would be not noticed as changed when the revision filter is used.
    What version are you using?
    Please check, if the USN in AD changes when the password is changed. The USN changes at least, if the password is changed in AD with the reset password function.
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