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Subscribable Reports with Parameters and IT Shop

Hi All, 

I've created few reports on Identities in the report designer and now I wanted to publish them in the IT Shop.

I have two questions: 

1. Should reports requested by IT shop item create a subscription automatically?
    Now I have some test requests, and my user has the report assigned via request, but I don't have any subscription = I haven't received any report

2. How can I provide parameters to reports requested via IT Shop?


I'm using version 7.1.



  • The distinction between requesting the permission to use a report and the subscription is by intention and something several customers requested and rely on.

    It's sad to hear, that this does not meet your expectations. Feel free to adopt the Web Portal, to include the report subscriptions in a different place. You can do all that using the Web Designer.

    The standard way of automating your use-case is to create your own processes that run when the request has been approved. You would need to create the subscription entries in the table RPSReportSubscription and for the parameters entries in the table DialgoParameterSet and DialogParameter according to the description in the documentation.


  • The distinction between requesting the permission to use a report and the subscription is by intention and something several customers requested and rely on.

    It's sad to hear, that this does not meet your expectations. Feel free to adopt the Web Portal, to include the report subscriptions in a different place. You can do all that using the Web Designer.

    The standard way of automating your use-case is to create your own processes that run when the request has been approved. You would need to create the subscription entries in the table RPSReportSubscription and for the parameters entries in the table DialgoParameterSet and DialogParameter according to the description in the documentation.


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