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Synch Mapping FK relation ADSAccount <> EX0Mailbox

Hello all,

I have a Synch-Mapping question.

I am in the AD Synch-Project mapping from the ADSAccount.

From that point, I want to have the values "EmailAddresses" which are stored in the table "EX0Mailboxes".

There is an FK relation from EX0Mailboxes to ADSAccount. How can I get the value EmailAddresses from EX0Mailboxes?

I tried with scripted properties but I cannot use
Connection.GetSingleProperty("EX0Mailbox","EmailAddresses", f.Comparision("UID_ADSAccount), $UID_ADSAccount$)
as the Connection object is based on VI.Projector and unfortunately I dont have any insight how to use it correctly.

Thanks, Fatih

  • Hi Werner,

    you do have a limited filter formatter available using the SystemObject. It is limited in a way that it only supports some of the operations the full SQL formatter is capable of doing. When the SystemObject is created by a OneIM connector connection the filter formatter will be mapped to the SQL formatter of the OneIM connection.

    The same sample as above with the filter formatter would look like the following.

    Imports VI.Projector.Connection

    Dim email = SystemObject.Connection.QueryObject(SystemQuery. _
    From("EX0MailBox").Select("EmailAddresses") _
    .Filter(SystemObject.Connection.FilterFormatter.Comparison( _
    SystemObject.SchemaType("UID_ADSAccount"), _
    $UID_ADSAccount$, Filter_
    .Formatter.FilterCompareOperator.Equal) _
    ) _

    Return email


  • Hi Werner,

    you do have a limited filter formatter available using the SystemObject. It is limited in a way that it only supports some of the operations the full SQL formatter is capable of doing. When the SystemObject is created by a OneIM connector connection the filter formatter will be mapped to the SQL formatter of the OneIM connection.

    The same sample as above with the filter formatter would look like the following.

    Imports VI.Projector.Connection

    Dim email = SystemObject.Connection.QueryObject(SystemQuery. _
    From("EX0MailBox").Select("EmailAddresses") _
    .Filter(SystemObject.Connection.FilterFormatter.Comparison( _
    SystemObject.SchemaType("UID_ADSAccount"), _
    $UID_ADSAccount$, Filter_
    .Formatter.FilterCompareOperator.Equal) _
    ) _

    Return email


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