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Identity manager synchronization with Exchange Online or Office 365

Hi All,

I am in the final stages of my synchronization with Azure AD into Identity Manager.

I would like to sync office 365 / Exchange online cloud systems with Identity Manager 7.1.1 too.

Is there a built-in connector available for this synchronization with Office 365 or Exchange online?

Any documentation or directions for achieving this would be really helpful.


Ashish Rai

  • Hi Paul,

    I would be interested in knowing the future release plans for O365 / ExchOnline connectors. Starting when approximately, can we start using the inbuilt connector functionality for O365 / ExchOnline.

    Thanks in advance,
    Ashish Rai
  • Hi Paul,

    I would be interested in knowing the future release plans for O365 / ExchOnline connectors. Starting when approximately, can we start using the inbuilt connector functionality for O365 / ExchOnline.

    Thanks in advance,
    Ashish Rai
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