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Cannot find why a user is not publishing to Active Directory

Firstly, my knowledge on D1IM is quite limited as the system was setup by our Corporate office and I was given admin access but no training so I'm learning my way. Please be gentle!


We have created a contractor in D1IM and it seems a workflow has been triggered which sends an email to the defined manager of the contractor for approval. Normally, when the workflow is approved, the account is created in AD.


It seems that from my limited knowledge and investigation that the original approval has timed out (IT Shop\Requests\Request Overview\By Recipient) and I can see the following:

Denied Requests (1)
Std. User Network Account- MyDomain.Com (Date)

I click on [Std. User Network Account- MyDomain.Com (Date)] and I can see the request and it shows the following:

Request Status: Denied
Reason for decision: Automatic System Approval: Decision due to timeout


We have changed the manager for this user in D1IM and I would like to know how can I resend the Approval Request (to the new manager)?


  • Hi,

    You're right, the workflow has timed out.  When you configure a workflow, you can specify what happens on a particular step, the timeout duration, and the behavior on timeout.  Each step at timeout can be automatically approved, automatically denied, escalated, or aborted.  So either it was the last step in the workflow configured to automatically deny (since it was the last step, it ended the workflow) or it was set to abort.  I suspect it is the former.

    Ether way, the easiest path forward is to just resubmit the request.  Either have the manager submit again, or have the end user request again.  The workflow will re-generate and get routed to the new manager.

  • Thanks George for the prompt reply. Wrt resubmitting the request, as far as I know this would involve the manager submitting the request again using the same details, thus like creating a new user, but I assume D1IM will not create a new user but use the existing one?
  • It's not really possible to answer definitively without knowing the details of how you are set up. But if generally, yes. The person will be assigned the same account definition, and that will create the same account.