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How to find Attestors via a script

I am creating a Membership Attestation for special AD Groups but the Owners (attestors) to those groups is not maintained in AD, it is maintained in ServiceNow.  So, it would be great if I could create a custom approval procedure that could use a script to generate the list of attestors instead of a SQL query.  The script would make a web services call to ServiceNow and query who the owners (attestors) of the group were and then pass that to the attestation.

Thoughts on the best way to do this?




  • Hey Craig,
    We support custom decision methods, which behind the scenes are SQL/Stored Procedures. But SQL Server supports calling web services from stored procs. So I'd investigate that option. Probably the easiest thing to do.
  • Hey Craig,
    We support custom decision methods, which behind the scenes are SQL/Stored Procedures. But SQL Server supports calling web services from stored procs. So I'd investigate that option. Probably the easiest thing to do.
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