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How to find Attestors via a script

I am creating a Membership Attestation for special AD Groups but the Owners (attestors) to those groups is not maintained in AD, it is maintained in ServiceNow.  So, it would be great if I could create a custom approval procedure that could use a script to generate the list of attestors instead of a SQL query.  The script would make a web services call to ServiceNow and query who the owners (attestors) of the group were and then pass that to the attestation.

Thoughts on the best way to do this?




  • George is right, you can use the method decision made external to trigger a process.

    But what tickles me, you are saying, that ServiceNow determines the people that should decide in the One Identity web portal but you do not synchronize that information into One IM. This sounds to me like a flawed process.

    Either, synchronize the information about the owners into One IM, or use the EX step to route the decision to Service Now (as ticket, whatever...) and let the people approve that in Service Now.
  • George is right, you can use the method decision made external to trigger a process.

    But what tickles me, you are saying, that ServiceNow determines the people that should decide in the One Identity web portal but you do not synchronize that information into One IM. This sounds to me like a flawed process.

    Either, synchronize the information about the owners into One IM, or use the EX step to route the decision to Service Now (as ticket, whatever...) and let the people approve that in Service Now.
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