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v7.7 Bulk Delete Outstanding Objects

Hello all,

in v6 there was the stored procedure available that simply deleted your outstanding objects:  exec vi_DeleteOutstandingInDB 'ADS'

Is there any similar stored procedure available in v7?

Unfortounatelly i didnt found anything in the database that sounds like that.

I know that you can easily delete the outstanding objects manually in the Manager via  "Manage objects markes as outstanding",
but I need it somehow in a automatic bulk way.

Any Ideas?

Thanks, Fatih

  • Hi Fatih,
    I think what Markus was asking is why are the objects being marked outstanding in the first place? It sounds from your description that you are doing something unnatural. Maybe you can explain your environment a bit?
  • Hi Fatih,
    I think what Markus was asking is why are the objects being marked outstanding in the first place? It sounds from your description that you are doing something unnatural. Maybe you can explain your environment a bit?
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