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Managing AD group



What is the easiest way to manage AD Group membership from the Web Portal? Should we use application Role?

I thought having "group owner" for the AD group was enough, but does not seem like it. 


I created application role with the permission group "vi_4_ITSHOP_ATTESTOR" and now he is able to add/remove membership for the AD group in the Web Portal.

Except he cannot remove users from the group who has "direct membership".




  • Hi Ulrik

    This is by design and its appropriate: only requested memberships can be handled through IT-Shop. Direct assignments can be handled by the admins using the manager tool.

    A approach for an resolution might be the following: create requests for those groupmemberships using the according method (depending on the version of Identity Manager you are using). These methods are built for exactly that issue.

  • Hi Ulrik

    This is by design and its appropriate: only requested memberships can be handled through IT-Shop. Direct assignments can be handled by the admins using the manager tool.

    A approach for an resolution might be the following: create requests for those groupmemberships using the according method (depending on the version of Identity Manager you are using). These methods are built for exactly that issue.

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