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How to run an script from the Synchronization Editor | Mapping Attributes

Creating a new CSV Connector Synchronization Project to import user into the person record, by default doesn't create the centralaccount and some other attributes in the person record that are assigned thru an script.


How can  I run an script in the Mappings Tab? I'm using the Script property as the screenshot below showw trying to run the   VI_AE_BuildCentralAccountGlobalUnique



  • Hi Gabriel,

    it is not possible to call a script from the script library stored in the database. The sync engine itself does not have any dependency to the object layer, only the connector to the One Identity Manager database.

    But I think you are getting it all wrong with the need to call a script from the database. There should be no need to do that.

    Let me explain why I am saying that.

    First, when you are trying to read the data into One Identity Manager, you are able to configure the workflow step in a way, that any template - that then calls a script - would be triggered, hence the need for calling the script in the virtual property is unnecessary.

    Second, when your are provisioning the data to the target system, there shouldn't be the need either, as you should be having the data in the database already.

    Third, think about using table scripts (On Loading, On Loaded, On saving, On saved, ...) if the templates are not enough.

    Last but not least, if haven't found that already, an example of how to access data from the One Identity Manager database (no script execution) in a scripted property can be found in the following thread.





  • Hi Gabriel,

    it is not possible to call a script from the script library stored in the database. The sync engine itself does not have any dependency to the object layer, only the connector to the One Identity Manager database.

    But I think you are getting it all wrong with the need to call a script from the database. There should be no need to do that.

    Let me explain why I am saying that.

    First, when you are trying to read the data into One Identity Manager, you are able to configure the workflow step in a way, that any template - that then calls a script - would be triggered, hence the need for calling the script in the virtual property is unnecessary.

    Second, when your are provisioning the data to the target system, there shouldn't be the need either, as you should be having the data in the database already.

    Third, think about using table scripts (On Loading, On Loaded, On saving, On saved, ...) if the templates are not enough.

    Last but not least, if haven't found that already, an example of how to access data from the One Identity Manager database (no script execution) in a scripted property can be found in the following thread.





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